I have just completed the new logo for the Frederick County Beekeeping Association, of Maryland. It has been approved by the FCBA members. This diligent group shares a passion for beekeeping, which is not only a rewarding hobby for some and business for others, it’s benefits effect the well being of each of us.
You have probably heard about honeybee colony collapse syndrome. This condition of bees mysteriously disappearing is a topic of concern for farmers and home gardeners alike. While the definite cause has not been determined it is certain that all beekeepers and their hives are part of the solution. The honeybees which provide pollination here in North America are originally from Europe. There were even hives on the Mayflower.
There are many challenges for honeybees. Since the 1970’s diseases, parasites such as mites, mono culture farming practices and other conditions—such as perfect flowerless green lawns which have nothing to offer a honeybee—have created huge challenges for bees and virtually wiped out all feral bee colonies.
Click here to learn more about the FCBA and their schedule of events.
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